Sunday, February 6, 2011

No doubts.

I had a really great Sunday today. Church was meh like it always is in my moms ward. I seriously do not like the people in there. They are so.... they just give off a weird vibe that i cant get used to. Glad im leaving it. Anywho. I went to my aunt and uncles for the monthly fast Sunday dinner and today was one of those days where i just felt really good being there with all my cousins and stuff. I have never really been close to my aunt and uncle or their family. just my cousin Jordan (the youngest of them) and my cousin Tomi who cuts my hair. But today I really felt super comfortable and loved? thats really cheesy but thats the way it went. So i decided to ask my uncle for a blessing while my grandpa and everyone were there. It was really cool! I had my uncle, grandpa, Jordan, and Tomi's husband Derick give me the blessing. It was a great blessing. Before I got it, i was having a lot of doubts that im sure everyone has before they go to do something really big and great, and it was really slowing me down and putting me in a bad and worried mood... but my uncle blessed me with peace and calm and a heightened awareness of the spirit which is what i need so badly right now. You are supposed to be so oober prepared to go on a mission and i just feel like i have been flailing! But now i feel like im back on track and just ready to get outa here! Lets do this!

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