He continues to love me even though im kinda weird and kinda crazy... but he always lets me know that im not alone. He is kinda crazy too and he is a NERD! He also lets me know that I am a geek :). He tells me to go for what i want and to never compromise anything that i love. I hate that he is so far away now. I really really feel like a little chunk of me is missing. I don't even know what to do with myself. ( just like that white stripes song). and it especially sucks that every single thing is Laie reminds me of him becau
se we pretty much painted this town red. sigh. oh how i love him. He does this funny thing with his eyebrows when he is concentrating on something and when he is feeling silly he starts rolling his R's and will talk in that accent until he knows its bugging me. He always gives me his I pod touch over night so i can play games on it. he gave me a sweater, two pillows, a blanket, and his favorite transformers shirt to remember him by. I gave him a note. and a kiss. like ten of them. wish he were here so i could hug him. he is my love.
I like this post very much. Yes I do. I should create a song about it and play it on my new ukulele. :) Sorry Dan the Man is not here. Very sorry.
Aw, Crystal, that's like the sweetest thing I've ever read.
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